Proportional Ranked Choice Voting and the Voting Rights Act
PRCV electoral systems, like the one that Portlanders voted for in November, support the goals of the VRA by encouraging equitable representation for racial and ethnic minorities. PRCV is structurally designed to give voice to diverse constituencies. Some cities have implemented PRCV to satisfy the VRA after their previous electoral systems failed to deliver equitable results.

Districting Timeline
How will Portland adapt and redraw its districts as the city grows and experiences demographic shifts in the years to come?

Can Portland's Electoral System Heal Political Divisions?
Has democracy, civic trust, and healing societal divisions been on your mind lately? I've begun to wonder what role our institutions play in shaping or promoting ideological polarization. This has led me to question whether Portland’s electoral system—the system we use to elect our leaders—affects how we feel about each other.

How Do Different Electoral Systems Impact Housing Supply and Public Goods?
Over the past couple years, Portlanders have consistently identified housing as a priority concern. We've experienced rising housing prices and homelessness. Development of affordable and market rate housing has not met demand. Our research team was interested to learn that local electoral systems may impact housing supply and the provision of public services.

Your Fact Checker: Recent Coverage on Measure 26-228
In an effort to contribute to the work journalists do—and help improve our collective understanding of potential implications of the proposal—we'd like to share some responses to statements we've seen in the recent coverage. We hope this helps factually address claims made by advocates for and against Measure 26-228 and supports ongoing reporting of the ballot measure campaign.